
Malaysiakini - UMNO Youth's Political Survival

Read the report on Malaysiakini. It is also available on Pemuda UMNO website. A PC and a launching ceremony of Pemuda UMNO's official blog - Saka Bangsa was held on Monday by the EXCO in charge of the newly formed Pemuda UMNO media relations secretariat, Datuk Sazmi Miah.

The blog falls short of reasonable expectation. By a far mile. A blog needs to be driven by content, utilisation of multimedia applications and at least, looks good. It is a highly competitive market out there. Worse, the links on the website implies internal political agenda. Where are the strong UMNO Youth leaders?. Do you see Rahman Dahlan's link?. Pemuda UMNO official website link?. Why is Kadir Jasin there? Who is Akramsyah Sanusi within the context of Pemuda UMNO?.

Our focus shouldn't be December 2008 but the 5 years horizon. By PRU 13, 56% of registered votes will be under the age of 40. This is UMNO Youth's market. If we are fighting for political survival, I am not going to sit around and count on Sang Saka blog to deliver the goods.


Anonymous said...

UMNO Youth is a joke!

Anonymous said...

Sudah lah. Pemuda UMNO sudah tidak releven lagi dalam politik Malaysia. Blog konon. Packing ajelah barang-barang kamu dari PWTC tuh.

Anonymous said...

UMNO Youth...a bunch of morons with shit for brains!!!

Anonymous said...

Takkan nila setitik biruuuu satu lautan.

Anonymous said...

New Cabinet:

Prime Minister - Anwar

Deputy Prime Minister - Lim Kit Siang

Culture Minister - Farish Noor

Defence Minister -

Education Minister - Nga Kor Ming

Environment Minister - Teresa Kok

Finance Minister - Tony Pua

Foreign Minister - Ramasamy

Health Minister - Tan Seng Giaw

Home Minister -

Information Minister - Jeff Ooi

Law Minister - Teng Chang Khim

Manpower Minister -

Sports Minister -

Technology Minister -

Trade Minister - Khalid

Transport Minister - Liew Chin Tong

(Penang Chief Minister - Lim Guan Eng)

Anonymous said...

Prime Minister - Anwar

Deputy Prime Minister - Lim Kit Siang

Culture Minister - Farish Noor

Defence Minister - Saifuddin Nasution

Education Minister - Nga Kor Ming

Environment Minister - Teresa Kok

Finance Minister - Tony Pua

Foreign Minister - Ramasamy

Health Minister - Tan Seng Giaw

Home Minister - Azmin Ali

Information Minister - Jeff Ooi

Law Minister - Teng Chang Khim

Manpower Minister - Karpal Singh

Sports Minister - Chegu Bard

Technology Minister - Low Goh Burne

Trade Minister - Khalid

Transport Minister - Liew Chin Tong

(Penang Chief Minister - Lim Guan Eng)

Anonymous said...

saifuddin nasution as defence minister? what a JOKE..

our commandos will be pondan.. maybe many ladyboys from thailand will come to join our royal army..

what a JOKE..

ruyom <--- even bigger JOKE

Anonymous said...

Beri peluang kepada Pemuda UMNO masih ramai yang berkebolehan tetapi tidak diberi peluang disebabkan oleh politik. Insya-Allah keadaan akan berubah selepas Disember ini

Anonymous said...

Seriously dude, what is Pemuda doing?. The blogspot is like it was done by primary school students

Anonymous said...

UMNO youth thinks that putting up a blog is something easy like playing cowboys and Indians. You can bet your bottom dollar that they will be like Malacca CM Ali Rustam. AR put up a blog and when he came under fire from some 350+ people, he became so embarrassed that he disabled the comments section! Notice that UMNO youth put up a condition that no comments on race and religion would be entertained. UMNO youth are so bodoh to think that it is precisely racial and religious issues that the govt mishandled that had invited all the flak..and that is what people will talks about. I think UMNO youth expects the blog they put up to be something like Utusan or NST, where only bodek/ampu views will be entertained. If that is the case, the only advice to them and people like sazmi is to FLUSH IT DOWN THE TOILET BOWL WHERE IT RIGHTLY BELONGS. DON'T DISGRACE THE BLOGGING FRATERNITY IF YOU EXPECT BLOGGERS TO ONLY BODEK/AMPU YOU, KETUANAN MELAYU AND NEP. PODAH!

Anonymous said...

Yea I agree with the last comment.its this fenced attitude that is giving rise to mediocrity in umno.let's face it,umno youth or bn youth are the main culprits who didn't deliver the goofd in the last elections.you got to be savvy lah these days.don't live in a world of your own.realise before its too late

Anonymous said...

Takkan tak tahu naper BN merosot? Eleh, buat2 BODOH pulak korang! Dah tahu akan hilang POWER!, sibuk pulak nak ambil hati!

Maaf ye, tapi bau perkauman hanyir dalam UMNO dan memang tidak ikhlas! Walau berlori-lori pandangan di beri, UMNO tetap tidak akan berganjak dari politik PERKAUMANNYA.

Lihatlah sendiri selama ni apa yang dimuntah-muntah oleh ahli politik UMNO selapas PRU 12; hak Melayu terhakis dan Melayu hilang kuasa!

Dengan menjadikan bangsa Melayu dan ISLAM sebagai modal, ahli politik menipu kebanyakkan rakyat, bukan sahaja bukan Melayu malah MELAYU pun ditipu oleh UMNO.

Anonymous said...

You are right zuhri.if you guys don't wake up within this short timeframe,umno will lose big next round. You guys got to be more inclusionary