
This Party Needs You - The Clarion Call

Our second Prime Minister, Tun Abdul Razak Hussein was a great leader. A visionary that had incredible work ethics and ability to execute his vision for one objective - the betterment of his country and its people. However, true to the maxim that no man is an island, he had able counsel and assistance from many great leaders like Tun Dr Ismail, Tun Ghazali and many others.

More importantly, Tun Razak had a nucleus of Malay Professionals that contributed ideas to nation building. Urban, well educated professionals who had their day jobs but were passionate about ensuring a promising future for the nation. 

These professionals although not at the forefront, gave their ideas and input to the politicians of the day. The executive arm of Government will legislate the ideas and the civil service will then execute the policies. 

One of the apparent success of the NEP is the creation of an influx of Malay Professionals from a diverse background. Logically, you would think that the Professional nucleus would grow because of this influx, but of late, many have grown further apart from UMNO. Not many can relate to the contemporary struggle and objectives of UMNO. Not many feel represented by the leaders within UMNO. 

Although a small percentage choose to go the way of the opposition, I feel the greater majority choose to isolate themselves from body politics in totality, focusing on family and career. They are indifferent to the struggle and limit political participation to an afternoon accompanied by like-minded friends cusping a Venti frappucino a day after the elections discussing the outcome. The absence of active participation has created a vacuum that has an adverse impact to strengthening UMNO and nation building.  

More than ever before, I dare say, even more than Tun Razak's era, UMNO long for the nucleus to return to the fold in whatever form, whether in active politics or as a hub for ideas. 

There is an urgent need for the Professionals to roll up their sleeves, fold their italian tie, hang their Italian suit and join the people that are rebuilding a proud vessel that has been teared down by an almighty storm. 

Are your sleeves rolled up?


Dil said...

Yes! I am! All rolled up man... ready to "rock" and roll!

Zuhri Aziz said...

You confirm lah bro..YES WE CAN!

taricaklempong said...

apa2 pun tahniah bro di atas kelahiran blog nih... setelah puas menunggu akhirnya... let's rollin bro.. untuk hang plak dil.. semoga sihat2 sejahtera selalu... YES WE ALWAYS CAN!!!

Zuhri Aziz said...

Thank you bro. Perjuangan baru bermula...biar lambat asalkan sampai

Anonymous said...

Interesting thoughts...

Anonymous said...

Mando..have u done a runner son?

He who seeks...

Anonymous said...

Well done Mando! Keep your views coming. We need more people to think out loud about the future of our country. UMNO needs reformers like you to drag the party into the 21st century.

All the best.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately I am one of the people sipping cappucino!

Anonymous said...

But where do we go? if we want to contribute but don't want to be involved with politics?