
Who is Malaysiakini's MP of the Week?

Malaysiakini gave Rembau MP, YB Khairy its MP of the week award. For a first time MP who was previously a key target for Malaysiakini, that must be surprising news. I was in Parliament last week, and from my observation, the reception Khairy gets from heavy weights such as Lim Kit Siang, Karpal, Saifuddin, Azmin, Mahfuz, he deserves this award. 

Parliament round-up: Khairy steals limelight
May 16, 08 12:34pm

The Parliament session started and ended the week on a high with debutant member of parliament Khairy Jamaluddin (Umno-Rembau) playing a significant role.

On Monday, Khairy, fresh from being rebuked by opposition MPs last week, came out fighting in his maiden speech in the House by firing bullets at the Pakatan Rakyat parliamentarians.

Sparing none in the other camp, the prime minister's son-in-law let fly a litany of offending remarks against the Pakatan Rakyat coalition.

And then during the week, he was seen raising noise here and there but it was at the end of the week that he rose to prominence again.

Yesterday his supplementary question on the New Economic Policy (NEP) stirred up a row when the opposition accused him of planting the question to Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Amirsham A Aziz.

Amirsham, a Maybank CEO turned politician, was seen reading out a prepared answer to Khairy's supplementary question, much to the chagrin of the opposition MPs

Khairy denied planting the question, adding that Amirsham was "an intelligent man who anticipated my question".

And he went on to say: "It's not important whether (it's planted), but what's important is the substance. It's clear the opposition is trying to create trouble again because they are afraid of the answers."

For that, he earns Malaysiakini's MP of the Week award.


Anonymous said...

His FIL is proud of him. In the kindom of the blind the one eyed man is king.

Anonymous said...

I read the nst coverage and managed to catch a glimpse of him on tv.surpassed my expectations.kudos

Anonymous said...

Wah, Malaysiakini pon dah "dibeli"?

Anonymous said...

Good job YB!.

Anonymous said...

Kalau dah bagus tu bagus je lah.apsal bila teruk korang percaya,bila bagus je ada yang kena beli la apa la.adil lah sikit brader.aku bukan la peminat kj,tapi aku rasa minggu lepas dia memang bagus

Anonymous said...

BN need more leaders like Khairy. That is the sad truth and that is why Kit Siang and Co are so afraid of now.

adzha said...

KJ bring new meaning to the term "lowlife". He made Samy Velu looks like an angel everytime he open his mouth. It doesn't matter if another ass kissing asshole wants to champion him. We don't care. We all know who he is, where he comes from, what he is trying to do. He's the type of person that would sell his mother if the price is right.

Anonymous said...

I am not too sure lah. How did you come out with that conclusion adzha?. Via what you read in the web?. then believe what you read in Malaysiakini lah, it is one of the more trusted site on the web - if he did well last week kena lah admit. Takkan cetek sampai macam tu kawan?

I also hated KJ. But for me things changed when Malaysiakini admitted that they were wrong saying there was a recount in Rembau. At least they admitted. But how many people read Malaysiakini and thought that there was a recount in Rembau?. I was one of them. Now, makes me question what I read on some of the blogs.

If takde orang nak champion KJ, I will. Ini baru Keadilan

adzha said...

That is my opinion, you can have your own. This is a "free country". MP of the week?. I am not too sure bout that. Spot question is totally unpredictable. The way Amirsham 'anticipated' that question from KJ totally wow me. Unless they are identical twins that can read each other's mind I am not convinced at all. To portray the himself as a smart person asking smart questions and getting smart answers all in a short period of time is too much for me to swallow. He can make one statement today and make an exact opposite one next week. Cheers

Anonymous said...

Pelik tengok amirsham dah ada jawapan siap siap.senyum kambing

Anonymous said...

it is adza's free opinion. I on the other hand cannt make an opinion of KJ sebab maklumlah jumpa pun tak pernah. I tau he is very agressive, and likes publicity.

tapi, kalau looking at other things macam maya karin, projeck nila projek tu lah, semua orang boleh reka.

So my onw conclusion from my free opinion, KJ punya masalah - dia gila glamour!

Anonymous said...

KJ teruskan usaha murni mu! Layar www.rembau.net untuk melihat usaha usaha KJ!

Anonymous said...

Apa ni KJ punya fan club ke?

Anonymous said...

KJ, kalau berani bertanding lah KP UMNO. Kalau beranilah. Setakat menang malaysiakini award tak payah cakap lah. Buang masa aje. Ingat kita ni bodoh ke.

Anonymous said...

Aku rasa memang ini KJ punya FAN Club lah. Blogger ni mesti dapat banyak duit dari KJ ni. Bagus lah. kita semuakan kena cari makan.

Berapa banyak KJ bayar blogger ni? aku pun nak jadi presiden KJ fan club. Tapi aku kena jadi penipu dan penerima rasuah. Takpelah, hidup KJ!

Anonymous said...

Hidup KJ! Hidup UMNO!